Sunday, February 1, 2009

Classroom Walkthroughs with H.E.A.T.

Provided below is the Classroom Walkthrough with H.E.A.T agenda which includes the goals, agenda items, and resource links.

• Learn about each step of the H.E.A.T Walkthrough Process
• Using the LoTi Observer, practice gathering data in classrooms
• Acquire a systems approach for continuous improvement
• Develop a plan for conducting regular H.E.A.T.

• Welcome and Overview
• Defining Classroom Walkthroughs
• H.E.A.T.
LoTi Framework
CIP Framework
• 5-Step H.E.A.T. Walkthrough Process
LoTi Observer Application
Step 1 - Pre-Walkthrough
Step 2 - H.E.A.T. Walkthrough
Step 3 - Post-Walkthrough
Step 4 - Introduction to Group Data Analysis
Step 5 - Development of Group Action Plan
• Wrap-Up
Session Evaluation

Classroom Walkthroughs with H.E.A.T. PowerPoint Slide Handout:
Southborough, MA: January 23rd, 2009
Manchester, NH: January 22nd, 2009


Video Samples - Early Childhood Level
Early Childhood - Lifelong Learning
Early Childhood: Science - Worms
Early Childhood: Math - Counting
Early Childhood: Social Studies - Community
Early Childhood: Science: - Zoo Trip
Early Childhood: Science: - Exploring Balls and Ramps

Video Samples - Elementary School Level
Elementary Math: Fractions
Elementary Science: Food Chains
Elementary Science: Ecology
Elementary Science: Space Day Design Challenge
Elementary Science/Math/Language Arts: Weather
Elementary Science: Electricity
Elementary Math: Tessellations
Elementary Science: Weather
Elementary Science: Maui's Coral Reefs-Echinoderms
Elementary Science: Stopping Distances
Elementary Science: Monarch Butterflies
Elementary Science: Solar System
Elementary Science: Ecosystems
Elementary PE: Pulse Rates
Elementary Math: Luxury Hotel
Elementary Science: Hermit Crabs
Elementary Science: Iron Oxide Experiment

Video Samples - Middle School Level
Middle School Math: Stock Market
Middle School Math: Archimedes Spiral
Middle School Language Arts: Literature Review - Tuck Everlasting
Middle School Science: Properties of Matter
Middle School Science: Air Pressure
Middle School Science: Elements Commercial
Middle School Science: Science Journals

Video Samples - High School Level
High School Technology Elective: Video Editing
High School Math: Pythagorean Theorem
High School Math: Geometry in the Real World
High School English: MacBeth
High School Social Studies: Theodore Roosevelt and Progressivism
High School Physics: Projectiles
High School Science: Starry Night Simulation

Additional Resources:
21st Century Learning Revisited
HEAT Observation Form
LoTi Sniff Test
LoTi Framework

H.E.A.T. Strategies:
LoTi Digital-Age Survey
Lesson Makeover
• Lesson Plan Reviews
Graphic Organizers
Questioning Toolkit
Bloom's Taxonomy
Sample Classroom Walkthrough
Peer Observations
Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated Instruction for Advanced Learner
Focus Strategies
21st Century Performance Assessments
online Learning
1. Go to:

2. Click on the "Login" link in the upper right corner of the screen. Login with the demonstration user account:
Username: lotiguest
Password: lotiguest

3. Click on the LoTi Classroom Demo Course link to browse the course.