Wednesday, January 23, 2008

LoTi Administrator Institute Day 1 - Dickinson ISD-Reflection

Since most of the day was spent conducting H.E.A.T. and LoTi analyses of video clips, I wanted to provide you with some additional suggestions when conducting classroom walkthroughs or reviewing student products.

1.Having students apply what they have learned to a new authentic situation involves more than just depositing the information into a webpage, blog, wiki, or multimedia presentation; it requires students applying the pertinent concepts or skills to a situation that directly impacts the learner, his/her immediate surroundings, and/or the larger community. If this is not the case, then you most likely have either a LoTi 2 or 3 learning experience.

2. The easiest way to discriminate between LoTi 2 and 3 is the presence of (1) Higher Order Thinking Skills (Bloom's Taxonomy) or (2) one or more Complex Thinking Strategies. If a learning experience is teacher-directed and engages students exclusively at the Knowledge/Comprehension levels, then it is almost assuredly a LoTi 2 lesson. Conversely, if a learning experience is teacher-directed and engages students at the Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and/or Evaluation level or enables students to exercise one or more complex thinking strategies (i.e., Problem-solving, Creative Problem-solving, Decision-making, Investigation, Experimental Inquiry, Reasoning, Personal Reflection), then it is almost assuredly a LoTi 3 lesson.

3. Reaching consensus about the "learner-centeredness" of a classroom experience is sometimes difficult. The easiest way to achieve some type of consensus is to first divide the learning experience into three components: Content, Process, and Product. If you detect that a minimum of two out of three of these components is "learner-centered" then we call the entire experience a learner-centered activity. Conversely, if you detect that a minimum of two out of three of the components is "teacher-centered" then we call the entire experience a teacher-centered activity.

3. Whenever possible, use the LoTi "Sniff" Test to help approximate the LoTi of any lesson plan, web-project, or instructional unit.

4. A truly differentiated classroom has LoTi 0-4 occurring on a daily basis.

5. The appropriate or target LoTi should always be commensurate with the content standards being addresssed and at the desired level of student cognition.

6. When contemplating H.E.A.T. (Higher order thinking, Engaged learning, Authenticity, Technology use), consider the following: If the Technology use does not bump up the Higher order thinking, Engaged learning, or Authenticity, then chances are that the Technology use is an "add-on" and therefore, not needed for task completion.

6. We also spent time reviewing 21st Century Skills and Themes. Provided below is a summary as articulated by the Partnership for the 21st Century.

21st Century Skills:

Information, Media, and Technology Skills
- Information Literacy
- Media Literacy
- ICT Literacy

Learning and Innovation Skills
- Creativity and Innovation Skills
- Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills
- Communication and Collaboration Skills

Life and Career Skills
- Flexibility & Adaptability
- Innovative & Self-Direction
- Social & Cross-Cultural Skills
- Productivity & Accountability
Leadership & Responsibility

21st Century Themes:

Global Awareness

Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy

Civic Literacy

Health Literacy

Provided below are links to some of yesterday's videoclips and LoTi Resources.

Classroom Videos
Mabry online
Apple Learning Interchange 2007
Educational Technology Clearinghouse
Modeling Middle School Mathematics

LoTi Resources
Graphing Tools
Rubric Building Tools
Survey Tools
Graphic Organizer Tools
Web-based Projects
Google Earth
Questioning Toolbox
Random Numbers
Creative Action
LoTi Schools Bookmarks
National Library of Math Manipulatives
LoTi Lounge
PHeT Simulations

I look forward to your comments.
