Thursday, February 15, 2007

LoTi Mentor Certification Day 3 - Versailles, KY - Reflections

I wish to compliment each of you for your intensity level, dedication, and commitment to high level technology implementation during the LoTi Mentor Certification Institute at Woodford County Middle School. You folks were just absolutely awesome!

On our third day of certification, we focused on Certification Tasks #6 (EBAM and Apollo 13), and #8 (Next Steps Action Plan). To view sample EBAM units, please access the LoTi Lounge website and specifically the LoTi Resources section.

At the beginning of today's session, we reviewed the impact of LoTi Project School's on student achievement. A summary of data relating to student achievement in the Floresville ISD (Floresville, TX) appears below.

Floresville ISD: 2005-2006
TAKS Results:
From 2004-2005 to 2005-2006, the percentage of 9th-10th grade students successfully passing the Reading TAKS increased from 72% to 84%. The increase in 9th-10th grade Reading TAKS scores emerged as statistically significant when comparing 2004-2005 with 2005-2006 TAKS results. p value /= .001

Floresville ISD: 2005-2006
TAKS Results:
From 2004-2005 to 2005-2006, the percentage of 6th-8th grade students successfully passing the Math TAKS increased from 64% to 76%. The increase in 6th-8th grade Math TAKS scores emerged as statistically significant when comparing 2004-2005 with 2005-2006 TAKS results. p value /= .001

Floresville ISD: 2005-2006
TAKS Results:
From 2004-2005 to 2005-2006, the percentage of 6th-8th grade students successfully passing the Reading TAKS increased from 80% to 87%. The increase in 6th-8th grade Reading TAKS scores emerged as statistically significant when comparing 2004-2005 with 2005-2006 TAKS results. p value /= .001

During the afternoon portion of our program, I modeled a professional development intervention called Engaging Questions and EBAM as well as described how you can use both your LMC CD and Manual to create dynamic professional development interventions for teachers. I coined these interventions, LoTi Skill Sets.

LoTi Skill Sets - Extreme Tech Makeovers
• Evaluating Web Projects Handout
LMC Manual - Page 89
• Introduce Makeover Candidate (e.g., lesson plan, instruction unit, learning experience, Web project)
• Conduct Makeover
• Show Before/After

LoTi Skill Sets - Performance Tasks
• Evaluating Web Projects
LMC Manual - Page 145
LoTi Mentor CD - Session #8
• Supersizing Lesson Plans
LMC Manual - Page 102
• Designing “High-Octane” Performance Tasks
LoTi Mentor CD - Session #7
LoTi Mentor CD - Session #9

LoTi Skill Sets - LoTi Framework
• Classroom Technology Case Study
LoTi Mentor CD - Session #1
• LoTi Framework
LMC Manual - Page 55
LoTi Mentor CD - Session #2
• LoTi Observations
LoTi Mentor CD - Session #3
• LoTi Review - Manatee Cards, Teacher Narratives, WebQuests, Sample Lesson Plans, LoTi Mentor CD -
Session #4

LoTi Skill Sets - Thinking Skills
• Bloom Review - Discrepant Event (e.g., Spiderman)
LMC Manual - Page 40
• Bloom Workout Videos
LoTi Mentor CD - Session #3
• Complex Thinking Simulation
LMC Manual - Page 46
LoTi Mentor CD - Session #6

LoTi Skill Sets - Differentiated Instruction
• Roll the Dice PowerPoint Simulation
LMC Manual - Page 163
• Evaluating Web Projects - Differentiation
LMC Manual - Page 98
• High/Low Simulation
LMC Manual - Page 162

LoTi Skill Sets - Target Tech Units
• The Great American Apple Pie Simulation
LoTi Mentor CD - Session #10
• Apollo 13 Presentation
LoTi Mentor CD - Session #11
• Experiential-based Action Model Units
LMC Manual - Page 164
LoTi Mentor CD - Session #12

LoTi Skill Sets - Rubrics
• Clapping Simulation
LMC Manual - Page 139
• Good, Better, Best Simulation
LMC Manual - Page 142
• online Rubric Makers (e.g., RubiStar)

Thank you again for becoming an active participant in the LoTi Mentor Certification Program. As a reminder, your LMC submissions are due no later than Apil 2nd 2007. In the meantime, if there is any aspect of the program that you would like clarified, please let me know.


Chris Moersch