Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Sample Professional Development Intervention: Probability

Content Focus: Mathematics
Grade Level: Secondary
Major Concept(s): Probability, Number Sense

Targeted LoTi Level: LoTi 3
Targeted Goals and Objectives:
I. To improve student achievement on the Math TAKS in the area of probability and number sense.
II. To elevate technology implementation in the Math Department.
A. Target Math instructors will successfully implement this professional development intervention in their classroom.
B. Target Math instructors will successfully implement technology at a LoTi 3 relating to probability and number sense.

Professional Development Agenda:
1. Greetings!
2. TAKS Discussion: Probability & Number Sense
3. "What are the odds?"
4. Math Scoring Guide

Required Materials:
* Graphing Calculator
* Internet Access
Internet Resources:
National Library of Math Manipulatives

Brief summary of Professional Development Intervention:

This intervention will involve staff assigning a probability estimate for compound events by first:
1. Completing the survey
2. Entering the data into an Excel spreadsheet
3. Creating a histogram of their data
4. Assigning a probability estimate based on the color of vehicle you drive.

Participants will first complete the survey below. Afterwards, they will download the data into an Excel spreadsheet and display as a series of histograms. The final product will be a probability estimate for receiving a citation or a "close call" citation from a local law enforcement official while driving a particular color of car.

Click here to take survey