1. The LoTi Digital-Age Questionnaire was recently aligned to the new NETS (National Educational Technology Standards) for Teachers that were released in July, 2008. These standards set expectations for digital age learning at a significantly higher level than the previous 2002 NETS-T. Unfortunately, the bar has been raised dramatically. Our job is to ensure that the LoTi Survey align with the latest national standards.
2. The results of our latest validation study suggested that the survey response rubric change from teacher's perceptions about their implementation of technology to their actual use. For example, in prior years, the statement, "My students use the classroom digital tools and resources to engage in relevant, challenging, self-directed learning experiences that address the content standards," would have been ranked by the teacher as either "Very True of Me, Somewhat True of Me, Somewhat Not True of Me, and Not True of Me" depending on personal perception.
In the New LoTi Digital-Age Questionnaire, that same survey statement is ranked by the teacher based on frequency of implementation, not personal perception using the scale, "Never, At least once a year, At least once a semester, At least once a month, A few times a month, A least once a week, A few times a week, and At least once a day."
These changes to the survey would account for any dip in the LoTi Levels. Please keep in mind that assessments sometimes change from year to year to reflect changing standards. One example of this phenomenon is standardized tests. Many states change both the types of questions as well as the "cut scores" for standardized tests to reflect updated standards as well as expectations.
May the LoTi Be With You Always!