Sunday, June 28, 2009

Teaching 2.0: Engaging the Interactive Generation

Dear Colleague,

Thank you for attending my Spotlight session at NECC 2009 entitled, Teaching 2.0: Engaging the Interactive Generation. Provided below are links to websites that were highlighted during my presentation. If you need any assistance, please let me know.

Chris Moersch
Executive Director
LoTi Connection

Promoting shared expertise through networked collaboration
- Maroulis, Sprio and Gomez, Louis. Does "Connectedness" Matter? A Social Network Analysis of Small Schools Reform, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal Convention Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Aug 11, 2006
- Goldberg, Amie, Michael Russell, & Abigail Cook. The Effect of Computers on Student Writing: A Meta-analysis of Studies from 1992 to 2002. The Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment (JTLA) 2.1 (2003)

Bolstering purposeful inquiry through student questions
- A meta-analysis of student outcomes attributable to the teaching of science as inquiry as compared to traditional methodology by Smith, Deborah Ann, Ed.D., Temple University, 1996, 83 pages; AAT 9632097
- Student-centered versus teacher-centered mathematics instruction: A meta-analysis
by Preston, James A., D.Ed., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2007, 139 pages; AAT 3289778
- A meta-analysis of student outcomes attributable to the teaching of science as inquiry as compared to traditional methodology by Smith, Deborah Ann, Ed.D., Temple University, 1996, 83 pages; AAT 9632097

Personalizing and globalizing content by making authentic connections
- A meta-analysis of studies conducted on integrated curriculum programs and their effects on student achievement by Hartzler, Deborah S., Ed.D., Indiana University, 2000, 264 pages; AAT 9967119

Accelerating individual growth through vertical / horizontal differentiation
- The effect of learning styles on student achievement in various hypertext, hypermedia, and technology-enhanced learning environments: A meta-analysis by Slemmer, Duane Lee, Ed.D., Boise State University, 2002, 186 pages; AAT 3095975

Anchoring student learning with digital-age tools and resources
- A meta-analysis of the impact of computer technology versus traditional instruction on students in kindergarten through twelfth grade in the United States: A comparison of academic achievement, higher-order thinking skills, motivation, physical outcomes and social skills by Sandy-Hanson, Anika E., Ph.D., Howard University, 2006, 157 pages; AAT 3249987

Clarifying student understanding with formative assessments
- Stiggins, Rick, and Rick DuFour. Maximizing the power of formative assessments: when teachers work together to create assessments for all students in the same course or grade, the results can be astounding.(MEASURING RESULTS). Phi Delta Kappan 90.9 (May 2009): 640(5).
- Lynn S. Fuchs and Douglas Fuchs, Effects of Systematic Formative Evaluation: A Meta-Analysis, Exceptional Children, vol. 53, 1986, pp. 199-208
-Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam, Assessment and Classroom Learning, Assessment in Education, March 1998, pp. 7-74.

LoTi Connection
LoTi Classroom - online learning
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LoTi Observer
LoTi Digital-age Schools
LoTi Dissertations
Web 2.0 Tools and Applications

NECC 2009:
Teaching 2.0: Challenging the Interactive Generation Powerpoint
Teach 2.0: Challenging the Interactive Generation PDF
NECC 2009 Feedback Form

Please leave a comment about any questions from today's program.




  1. I never knew there were that many educational tools available. I'm overwhelmed.

  2. Teaching 2.0: Engaging the Interactive Generation <---Teaching 2.0: Engaging the Interactive Generation

  3. Engaging the Interactive Generation are very informative post,
