Friday, October 31, 2008

LoTi Adminstrator Institute - Day 2: Friendswood ISD

Greetings and welcome to Day 2 of the LoTi Administrator Institute. Provided below is today's agenda.

LoTi/H.E.A.T - Review
• LoTi Implementation Cycle
Assess – Classroom Observation using H.E.A.T. Observation Form: High School
• Lesson Plan Review
• Plan - Sample Middle School: Case Study
• Implement - H.E.A.T. Strategies
Sustain - Classroom Observation using H.E.A.T. Form: Elementary School
• LoTi Project Schools
• Next Steps Action Plan
Summary & Reflection

H.E.A.T. Strategies:
LoTi Digital-Age Survey
Lesson Makeover
Graphic Organizers
Questioning Toolkit
Bloom's Taxonomy
Sample Classroom Walkthrough
Peer Observations
Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated Instruction for Advanced Learner
Focus Strategies
21st Century Performance Assessments
online Learning
1. Go to:

2. Click on the "Login" link in the upper right corner of the screen. Login with the demonstration user account:
Username: lotiguest
Password: lotiguest

3. Click on the LoTi Classroom Demo Course link to browse the course

Please leave a comment about any questions from yesterday's program or today's agenda.

