Thursday, August 9, 2007

LoT Orientation

During the course of the day, I have adjusted the agenda to address the areas of responsibility and grade levels of our participants. Provided below is the "after-lunch" agenda.

• Issues with Technology Use
• Bloom Workout
• Extreme Technology Makeover
• LoTi Look-Fors & Sniff Test
• LoTi Implementation Strategies (Seagull Simulation)
Take the LoTi DETAILS survey
• LoTi Implementation Cycle
• LoTi Project Schools
• LoTi Observation
• H.E.A.T.
Lesson Plan Submission*

I would like you to submit your completed lesson plan to me directly at: I will give you feedback based on the H.E.A.T. rubric and email back to you my comments.

21st Century Resources:
LoTi Connection
Partnership for the 21st Century
Questioning Toolbox
LoTi Schools Bookmarks

Have Fun!
