Welcome to Day 2 of the LoTi Mentor Certification Institute. Provided below is today's agenda:
LoTi Certification Task #2
LoTi Certification Process
Manatee LoTi Review
LoTi Certification Task #1 - Review
LoTi Certification Task #3
LoTi Certification Task #4 - Homework
After you review the agenda would you please provide me with some feedback about the agenda (e.g., on target, missing some elements, too much) via this blog. Just click on the Comments link.
Next, I would like you to complete the following culminating performance task and then rate the LoTi and CIP Levels of the task afterwards.
Your task is to design your ideal bedroom including size and shape as well as select the furniture that will be assembled in your bedroom using the Room Planner link below. Your final bedroom design will need to include the following items:
* Your bedroom design including all furniture placement
* The circumference and surface area of your bedroom
* Cost estimate for any and all furniture including floor preparation (e.g., carpet, hardware floors, tile)
* Multimedia presention to your funding agency (e.g., yourself, spouse, signficant other, financial institution) as to why your bedroom design should be funded.
* You may work in groups - no problem
* Internet Access
Room Planner
Cool LoTi Resources