H.E.A.T. Framework Strategies
H.E.A.T Framework provides a context to assess student learning experiences at the operational curriculum level and offers a practical set of descriptors for classroom walkthroughs, peer coaching/mentoring interventions, and lesson plan evaluations. By turning up the H.E.A.T., students are given the chance to apply or transfer critical content to contextual situations that involve high levels of engagement, critical thinking, and increased relevance. The result is improved student academic achievement as well as improved teaching and learning.
Since collaboration allows us to work together toward the achievement of the common goal of improving teaching and learning, the LoTi team encourages everyone to participate in our social media discussions with new ideas using the
Online LoTi Classroom,
Twitter, and the
LoTi Guy Speaks Blog. We welcome your participation in the discussions by completing one or more of the posted strategies. If possible, implement the strategies in your classroom. If you do not have a classroom, find a classroom that you can work with or try implementing one of the strategies in a professional learning session or meeting that you attend. Use #HEATFramework to connect your post to the overall discussion. Let's build a list of H.E.A.T. Strategies that makes classroom planning more effective.
H- Higher Order Thinking Strategy
Teaching Students to Ask Better Questions
Since it is critical that students increase their capacity for higher level thinking and questioning while still learning the content, teachers need to explore multiple strategies in their classroom. Let's explore sample strategies aimed at promoting higher level thinking and questioning in the classroom. Use the
H.E.A.T. Lesson Plan Scoring Guide as a reference when choosing a strategy.
Higher-Order Thinking- The task requires students operating at the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy (e.g., Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating).
Level 6- Student learning/questioning at Evaluating/ Creating levels
Level 5- Student learning/questioning at Analyzing level
Quote from Website: "A properly framed How Might We doesn’t suggest a particular solution, but gives you the perfect frame for innovative thinking."
This website shows classroom modeling of question strategies. |
After exploring the videos, consider and discuss the following questions via social media with
#HEATFramework or by posting your response by clicking on Comment below:
- What guidelines must you consider when creating question starters with your students?
- How could you utilize question starters in your classroom?
- What challenges would you face in utilizing question starters?
- Do you have other resources or ideas you would suggest for educators exploring ways of fostering student-generated questions?
CLICK ON THE Comment Link below or post to Social Media to participate in this activity
If you are interested in reviewing our free course,
Increasing Student Rigor with H.E.A.T., contact us at