Monday, September 24, 2007


Good morning! Today, we are going to focus on elevating the level of teaching innovation through our work with lesson plan makeovers. Please comment on the agenda or any other issue surrounding issues impacting instruction and assessment in Cy-Fair.

Bloom and LoTi Review
Extreme Makeover (EM) Model
EM - Case Study - Science WebQuest
EM - Case Study - Math WebQuest
EM - Secondary Lesson Plans
21st Century Rubric
Next Steps

As you explore the connections between teaching and learning and effective technology use, I wanted to provide you with specific links to support your journey into the Land of Extreme Makeovers.

LoTi Tools:
Partnership for the 21st Century
Graphing Tools
Rubric Building Tools
Survey Tools
Graphic Organizer Tools
Web-based Projects
Google Earth

LoTi Resources:
Questioning Toolbox
Random Numbers
Creative Action
LoTi Schools Bookmarks
National Library of Math Manipulatives
LoTi Lounge
PHeT Simulations

Good Morning!

Provided below are specific links to websites referenced during my Keynote Address, Implementing 21st Century Classrooms on a Shoestring Budget and Breakout Session, Outsourcing and Consultants on a Shoestring Budget:

Keynote Address Links
Partnership for the 21st Century
LoTi Connection
LoTi Framework

Breakout Session Links
LoTi Connection
Questioning Toolbox
LoTi Schools Bookmarks
LoTi Lounge
LoTi Profile


Monday, September 10, 2007

Visual Arts/Music/PE LoTi Curriculum Session

As requested, I have included the H.E.A.T. look-fors as well as the vertical alignment for a sample Visual Arts instructional unit addressing art principles and elements.

H.E.A.T. Analysis

High level processes (1-Low; 5-High):
Criteria Score
Student learning at knowledge level 1
Student learning at comprehension level 2
Student learning at application level 3
Student learning at analysis level 4
Student learning at synthesis/
evaluation level 5

Engaged learning (1-Low; 5-High):
Criteria Score
Students report what they have learned only 1
Students report what they have learned with
collaboration from others 2
Students given options to solve a problem 3
Students given options to solve a problem with
collaboration from others 4
Students help define the task, the process,
and the solution 5

Authenticity (1-Low; 5-High):
Criteria Score
No real world application 1
Limited real world relevance, but no applied
learning 2
Extensive real world relevance, but no applied
learning 3
Real world relevance and applied learning 4
Extensive real world relevance and applied
learning that has a purpose beyond classroom 5

Technology use (1-Low; 5-High):
Criteria Score
Unrelated to the task 1
Appears to be an add-on to task 2
Somewhat connected to task completion 3
Directly connection to task completion using
one or two applications 4
Directly connected to task completion and
students determine the best applications to
use 5

Visual Arts Vertical Alignment

2nd 6 Weeks - Grades K-5

Kindergarten: L2
Students will create a collage depicting some of the elements and principles of design including texture, pattern, and shape.

H - 2/6 - Students will be identifying the elements and principles of art
E - 2/6 - Students will be displaying elements and principles of art via collaboration
A - 3/6 - The learning experience provides limited real world relevance
T - 0/6 - Use of interactive white board

First Grade: L3
Students will produce a realistic piece of art for a first grade digital art gallery.

H - 6/6 - Students will be operating at the synthesis level relating to a rendition of a realistic piece of art
E - 3/6 - Students will be given limited options to create their piece of art
A - 5/6 - The learning experience provides real world relevance, and provides opportunity for students to apply their learning in a real-world context
T - 3/6 - Teacher using a digital photo for the digital art gallery; use of interactive white board

Second Grade: L3
Students will produce a rendition of abstract art for a second grade digital art gallery.

H - 6/6 - Students will be operating at the synthesis level relating to a rendition of an abstract art
E - 3/6 - Students will be given limited options to create their piece of art
A - 5/6 - The learning experience provides real world relevance, and provides opportunity for students to apply their learning in a real-world context
T - 3/6 - Teacher using a digital photo for the digital art gallery; use of interactive white board

Third Grade: L3
Students will produce a rendition of non-objective (non-representational) abstract art for a third grade digital art gallery.

H - 6/6 - Students will be operating at the synthesis level relating to a rendition of non-objective (non-representational) abstract art
E - 5/6 - Students will be given options involving the process as well as the final product to create their product/design
A - 5/6 - The learning experience provides real world relevance, and provides opportunity for students to apply their learning in a real-world context
T - 4/6 - Teacher using a digital photo for the digital art gallery as well as a Focus activity.

Fourth Grade: L3/4
Based on a target audience of fourth grade students, students will apply the principles of texture, pattern, and shape to create a T-Shirt design.

H - 6/6 - Students will be operating at the synthesis/evaluation level relating to the creation of their school shirt.
E - 4/6 - Students will be given options for designing their final product with collaboration
A - 5/6 - Students would be apply the art principles to the creation of a commercially-viable product/design
T - 5/6 - Students can use KidPix for their design

Fifth Grade: L4
Students will select their audience and then use the principles of texture, pattern, and shape to create a commercially-viable product or design.

H - 6/6 - Students will be operating at the synthesis/evaluation level relating to the creation of their product/design
E - 5/6 - Students will be given options involving the process as well as the final product to create their product/design
A - 5/6 - Students would be apply the art principles to the creation of a commercially-viable product/design
T - 5/6 - Students can use KidPix for their design

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Science LoTi Curriculum Session

K-2 LoTi Curriculum Session

Social Studies LoTi Curriculum Session

Mathematics LoTi Curriculum Session

Bilingual/ELA LoTi Curriculum Session

Characteristics of Feature Article

? Answers a “how” or “why” question
? Begins with a lead which draws the reader into the article
? Ends with a closing that connects back to the beginning and leaves the reader with something to think about
? Is non-fiction/factual/Researched
? Finds and explains in-depth the extraordinary in the ordinary
? Evokes an emotional reaction: joy, sympathy, anger, frustration, contentment, or some other emotion
? Use of technology enhances or embellishes the writer’s purpose

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Day 1 LoTi ACBOE Math Coaches Institute - 9/4/07

Today, we will begin Day 1 of our LoTi ACBOE Math Coaches Institute. Today's agenda will focus on a Classroom "Visitation" Model

* Status Report
* Math Coach Job Description
* Topic: Classroom Visitations
* Lesson Plan Reviews
* October 10th Math Inservice

Provided below is summary of the Institute's proceedings.


* A technology inventory was completed by the Math Coaches and the Supervisor of Mathematics.
- New Jersey Ave School - Situation is stable in terms of technology access and use.
- Uptown Ave School - No lab time has been established by the math teachers, none of the math classrooms possess an LCD projector, and none of the available technology is being used.
- New York Avenue - Teachers attention is currently focused on the creation of math portfolios for the students. No lab time has been established by the math teachers.
- MLK - Teachers attention is currently focused on the creation of math portfolios for the students. No lab time has been established by the math teachers. Staff need overhead projectors.
- Texas Avenue - one computer per classroom and no LCD projectors available to the math teachers; computer use by 4th grade conflicts with the breakfast schedule.
- Sovereign Avenue - Six or seven computers available in the classroom; eight of the projectors lack a bulb as well as overheads

Overall Observations:

* Math teachers are not using the 5E Model (primarily stand and deliver)
* Many teachers emphasizing the wrong big ideas
* Need better quality with the Daily Math/Bell Ringer/Problem-of-the-Day activities
* Need greater consistency with the Math Mad Minutes in the classroom
* Pretesting of Benchmark #1 is completed and scored; posttest will take place during the week of 10/22/07


* Chris will secure the district job description for the math coaches and clarify their areas of responsibility.
* Chris recommends that all three Math Coaches attend formal LoTi training in or out-of-state. There will be a LMC Institute in Las Vegas during the week of December 3rd, 2007


Today's presentation focused on clinical classroom visitations. Provided below is a summary of the key points from Chris' PowerPoint presentation.

Visitation Benefits
* Encourages reflection and analysis of teaching practices
* Promotes specific feedback over time
* Fosters collaboration among all stakeholders on campus
* Improves student achievement

Visitation Prerequisites
* Ability to conduct clinical visitations
* Thorough grasp of the “look-fors”
* High level of mutual trust, respect, and rapport
* A non-threatening, secure environment
* Focus on improved student achievement

Visitation Model
* Preconference
* Visitation
* Postconference

Visitation Preconference
* Agreeing on data collection technique(s)
* Asking questions to help plan lesson around the focus
* Creating a common understanding of the “look-fors”
* Working out the visitation logistics

Visitation Preconference: Data Collection
* Scripted Visitations
* Student Survey
* Student Interviews
* Teacher Interview

Visitation Preconference: Logistics
* Visitation time and date
* Positioning of observer
* Length of visitation
* Interaction with students

* Note taking or visitation form?
* Partial lesson or entire lesson?
* Passive or active involvement?
* One or multiple visitors?

Visitation Postconference
* Teacher reflection
* Discussion of focus strategies or “look-fors”
* Planning for next observation
* Discussion of possible role reversals

The summer lessons will be distributed to the math teachers during tomorrow's workshop. In the future, all lesson plans will be done on the computer with sufficient scaffolding to ensure a quality product.

Chris, Jose, and Ray will be facilitating the 5th-8th Grade Math inservice; Christine and Jen will be facilitating the 4th Grade math Inservice

* The Math Coaches will email requests for services beyond the scope of their job description to both Dr. Ray Allen and Marilyn Cohen for all items involving technology or technology procedures.
* The Math Coaches will complete one (1) Classroom Visitation cycle with a math teacher during the month of October, 2007.
* The Math Coaches will carefully review their job description and confirm with an email response to Donna Haye.

Let me know of any concerns or questions. Your comments are greatly appreciated.

Have Fun!


PS Please give me your feedback.

Monday, September 3, 2007


Good morning! Today, we are going to focus on elevating the level of teaching innovation through our work with the 5E Model, Informal Assessment Strategies, Mad Math Minutes, and Open Ended Questions. As you explore the connections between teaching and learning and effective technology use, we wanted to provide you with specific links to support your instruction and assessment strategies in mathematics.

Math Links
Graphing Tools
Rubric Building Tools
Survey Tools
Graphic Organizer Tools
Questioning Toolbox
Random Numbers
LoTi Schools Bookmarks
National Library of Math Manipulatives
LoTi Lounge
Math Tools
Math Exemplars

Math Open-ended Questions/Prompts
Northern Kentucky University - Open-ended Responses
Open-ended Assessment in Mathematics
Rubrics and Open-ended Questions

Provided below is today's agenda

8:00 am Large Group - Informal Assessment Strategies #1 - Chris Moersch

9:00 am Breakout Sessions -

Breakout #1 - 5th Grade - 5E Math Lesson Demonstration - (Classroom - NBEA)
Breakout #2 - 6th Grade - Math Minutes/Benchmark #1 Review - (Cafeteria - District Math Coaches)
Breakout #3 - 7th/8th Grade - Benchmark #1 Technology Resources (Media Center - Campus Technology Specialists)

10:00 am Breakout Sessions -

Breakout #1 - 7th/8th Grade - 5E Math Lesson Demonstration - (Classroom - NBEA)
Breakout #2 - 5th Grade - Math Minutes/Benchmark #1 Review - (Cafeteria - District Math Coaches)
Breakout #3 - 6th Grade - Benchmark #1 Technology Resources (Media Center - Campus Technology Specialists)

11:00 am Lunch

12:30 pm Breakout Sessions -

Breakout #1 - 6th Grade - 5E Math Lesson Demonstration - (Classroom - NBEA)
Breakout #2 - 7th/8th Grade - Math Minutes/Benchmark #1 Review - (Cafeteria - District Math Coaches)
Breakout #3 - 5th Grade - Benchmark #1 Technology Resources (Media Center - Campus Technology Specialists)

1:45 pm Large Group - Open-ended Questions - Ray Allen/Chris Moersch

2:30 pm Large Group - Informal Assessments #2 - Chris Moersch